ROULETTE by Feliz Lucia Molina

ROULETTE is a long generative poem, consisting of 54,872 combinations of poetic lines, based on the casino game of roulette. Methods of gamesmanship, chance, and randomization support mysterious, noir-like tableaux of shadowy numbers and unstable pronouns, where gun violence and fleeting voices compete with fractured words and texting lovers for digital and analog attentions.  

As the narrative reveals itself, coherence becomes fleeting, meaning impermanent, and any sense of completeness becomes an engagement in an act of non-attachment.

In ROULETTE‘s digital and analog attempts at poiesis, Feliz Lucia Molina updates the long combinatorial poem for the 21st century, and captures the odds of the “little wheel” as a codex page-turner.


2021 |$20

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